How Magnetic Therapy works
Magnetic therapy restores the natural process of cellular metabolism, so that blood flow and oxygen uptake is increasing. A human consists of more than 70 billion cells. Each cell has a small power plant to be supplied with nutrients and oxygen while at the same time, dumping waste from the body. These processes called cellular metabolism. Part of the steering mechanism of these processes happed through the body's own electro-magnetic force fields.
If this factory reduced, it will influence the process and you get a reduced metabolism.
Magnetic Therapy for Pain
While it has its effect on blood flow and cell metabolism, it can be used against a whole variety of sufferings.
- Atherosclerosis (Best treatment available)
- Pain, migraine and headache
- Sports injuries
- Digestive problems
The Magnetic Therapy Treatment
Sitting in a magnetic spiral is absolutely painless and you will not even feel it. The treatment is safe and free from side effects. Most will feel fresher the first 2-3 hours, after which there may be fatigue with the need to sleep, but it is very individual how the responses shows and some become so relaxed during treatment that they actually fall asleep.
Magnetic Treatment in Bed
Magnet Therapy in bed obviously requires an investment of a size depends on how people evaluate themselves and the value of their own well-being. Magnet linens consists of featherbed, with duvet and pillow, with magnets implemented). When you lie in it, your body will work as a generator to carry out its own small cells, and then there are many things your body can cope with, as long it has or will have the strength for it.
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